HHES: 24-25 Welcome Back Info
As we prepare to begin what is sure to be another amazing year at Hanover Hills Elementary School, we wanted to take a moment to update you on upcoming dates and other announcements. Although we encourage you to enjoy the few remaining days of summer, we are excited to open the doors to your students in only four days. With a new year comes a journey filled with promise, as well as the opportunity to make a difference. As a school, we remain committed to the Howard County Public School System’s vision of ensuring that every student and staff member embraces diversity and possesses the skills, knowledge and confidence to create a positive and welcoming school community. Teaching and learning will continue to be our key focus at Hanover Hills, and we are confident that great things are in store for the 2024-2025 school year!
Our hard-working and conscientious custodians have spent the entire summer thoroughly cleaning and preparing the facility. Last week, our devoted staff returned to prepare for your student’s arrival. In the coming days, our Front Office staff will continue to work diligently to complete registrations, finalize student schedules, and prepare to welcome you into our building. (To support this endeavor, please see information below regarding the mandatory Family File for all students.) We are indeed a caring and dedicated school community with the common goal of nurturing our respected future learners.
At Hanover Hills Elementary, we truly value a strong home-to-school connection. We encourage you to contact us with any questions or concerns, and to stay “in the know” about your student’s studies, assignments, and school activities. We extend a special, yearlong invitation to our families to join us at school activities and events whenever possible. Please look for more information regarding lunch visits and volunteering beginning in October.
From the entire Hanover Hills staff, we welcome you and look forward to a very positive and productive year together!
Troy Todd, HHES Principal (troy_todd@hcpss.org)
Wendy Kanter, HHES Assistant Principal (wendy_kanter@hcpss.org)
Jennifer Alexander, HHES Administrative Intern (jennifer_alexander1@hcpss.org)
Save the date! Important Dates:
August 23, 2024: Open House
12:00PM: RECC/PreK Orientation
12:30PM: Kindergarten Orientation
1:30 PM: New Student Orientation (Grades 1-5)
2:00PM-3:45PM: Open House
Open for classroom visits, school supply drop-off, and self guided tours!
Food trucks on site! Sides BBQ, Kona Ice, and Flour Fable Cookie Company will be on site for families that wish to purchase lunch!
August 26, 2024: First Day of School for K-5 students
August 29, 2024: First Day of School for PreK/RECC students
September 2, 2024: Labor Day (Schools and Offices Closed)
September 10, 2024: Primary Back to School Night (RECC, K-2)
- RECC Presentation (5:30PM)
- Gifted and Talented (GT) Info Session (5:30PM)
- K-2 Back to School Night (6:00PM)
Food trucks on site! Sistah Sweets Cupcakes and Chesapeake Crab Cakes are scheduled to be on site for families that wish to purchase dinner or a treat!
September 11, 2024: Intermediate Back to School Night (Grades 3-5)
- Gifted and Talented (GT) Info Session (5:30PM)
- Grade 3-5 Back to School Night (6:00PM)
Food trucks on site! Sistah Sweets Cupcakes and Between the Buns are scheduled to be on site for families that wish to purchase dinner or a treat!
September 18, 2024: Professional Work Day (Schools close 3 hrs early. HHES closes at 12:55PM.)
October 3, 2024: Rosh Hashanah (Schools and Offices Closed)
October 18, 2024: Professional Work Day (Schools and Offices Closed)
Arrival/Doors Open: 9:10AM
School Starts: 9:25AM (Students are considered late beginning at 9:26AM)
Dismissal: 3:55PM
Staff will be available at all entrances to greet your students and welcome them into the building each day. During the first few weeks of school, additional staff will help guide students to their classroom each morning as students work to become familiar with our building. As a reminder, to support routines moving forward, parents will not be allowed to walk their students back to their classroom during the school year. This includes the first day. We encourage parents to join us at Open House to see their student’s classroom, tour the building, and meet their teacher.
Parent pick-up for RECC and kindergarten walkers will be located on the PreK playground, to the left of the bus loop. Parents of Kindergarten walkers may not enter the bus loop in their vehicle. If you plan on picking up your walker in your vehicle, your student is a car rider and will be dismissed to the car line. Please let the front office know of this change. All other walkers (grades 1-5) will exit through the front doors, with primary walkers (grades 1-2) dismissed first, and intermediate walkers (grades 3-5) dismissed second. We ask that student walkers under the age of 6 be escorted home by an older sibling or parent/guardian.
Carpool students will be escorted to their cars in the carpool lane. Please do not exit your vehicle. Students are encouraged to travel home in the method designated by the HCPSS Transportation Office, as either a walker or a bus rider. If you choose to drop off and pick up your child in the car line, please read the directions very carefully and practice civility in the process. The afternoon carpool lane will loop around our outdoor classroom and continue around the side of the building and on to our blacktop. Families will turn right towards the blacktop once they are cleared by a staff member to do so. (Morning carpool will only loop around our outdoor classroom.) To avoid and prevent congestion on Banbury Drive, we are asking that carpoolers enter the carpool lane from Beaumont Place and exit the carpool lane by taking a right onto Banbury Drive.
We recognize that many of our students may arrive as car riders on Monday but are typically scheduled as bus riders. If you responded to the transportation form that your student will be a bus rider, they will be dismissed as such beginning on Monday. Please make sure to notify the front office by 2:00PM if your student’s dismissal will change.
The following link provides you with the school supply list for the 2024-2025 school year: School Supply List
If you are in need of support with school supplies, please fill out our 24-25 School Supply Request Form. All requested supplies will be left in your student’s homeroom classroom.
Have you completed your mandatory Family File for the 2024-2025 school year? Every year, all new and returning HCPSS families are required to complete a Family File for each child who attends school. HCPSS utilizes the Family File for parents/guardians to complete emergency information. As a reminder, stuhttps://www.hcpss.org/food-services/farms/ dents are not eligible to attend school sponsored field trips until this mandatory form is completed.
All parents/guardians must verify and/or update information annually for each child and can do so by logging in to their parent account via the HCPSS Connect and selecting the “MORE OPTIONS” tab on the left hand side and then clicking the blue underlined “Family File”.
Help us achieve a 100% completion rate before the first day of school! Please note, if the section you are looking at is not allowing you to move forward, then there is a question/checkbox on that page that may still need to be addressed. Please make sure to read the prompts at the top of each tab, and click to expand each section.
All students will continue to receive FREE breakfast for the 24-25 school year. There is still a cost for students who wish to purchase lunch. Students whose families do not qualify for free or reduced lunch will be required to pay the daily meal price for the 2024-2025 school year. In addition, all qualifying families must apply for our FARM's program annually in order to receive Free or Reduced Meals (FARMS). Students who qualified during the previous school year will continue to receive benefits during the first 30 days of the school year. However, families are required to re-apply by 9/27/24 to maintain their benefits.
2024-2025 Daily Meal Prices
Student Breakfast: FREE for all students.
Student Lunch: $2.80 Families who wish to view the daily menu or to put money on their student’s lunch account should visit https://linqconnect.com/register.
Questions about eligibility? Many HCPSS families are eligible to participate in the Free and Reduced Price Meals (FARMs) program, which provides children with a wide range of benefits including free or discounted college tuition, testing and application fees, academic and athletic program fees and many others in addition to free or discounted meals. Families are urged to check their eligibility and complete a FARMs application as soon as possible. Families must submit a new application every school year. Details on the Free and Reduced Meals program are available online: https://www.hcpss.org/food-services/farms/